Our Impact


We have volunteers actively managing traps across various sites in the Taupo region. The number of sites, traps, volunteer hours and ultimately pests trapped is established and growing. But we still need your help. Head over to ‘our projects’ to find out about each site, there’s likely one near you, and then contact robyn@greeningtaupo.org.nz to get stuck in and help us on this mission.


number of Sites

There are 16 sites actively and regularly managed by volunteer trappers across the region. There are another 27 sites that have been registered and we’d like to start to include their data.



There are over 600 traps actively managed within those 16 sites. There are a number of traps across the additional 27 sites AND there are another 350 plus traps that have been allocated to backyard trappers.



Trapping results are recorded at Trap.nz and to date over 2700 pests (and counting!) have been trapped by the traps managed in the 16 sites that are currently monitored and included in our records.


Annual Volunteer Hours

It’s taken over 3000 volunteer hours to make all this happen. And then there’s our backyard trappers - we don’t have a record of how many hours they spend but it’s worth a shout out for sure!

Trap Catch Data All Sites